Service Details

Target Age

  • 0 - 11 years
  • 12 - 16 years
  • 12 - 18 years
  • 16 - 18 years


  • Child & Family Support
  • Schools & Education Support
  • Domestic Violence
  • Social Services

Support Type

  • In-person - Group
  • In-person - One-to-one
  • Online - Group
  • Online - One-to-one
  • Telephone


  • Laois

Contact Details


TUSLA Laois Child & Family Agency, Child & Family Centre, Dublin Rd, Portlaoise, Co. Laois


057 869 2567


Emergency Assistance

Open Up is not a crisis service. If you or someone you know needs immediate help please contact one of the services below immediately.

If someone is hurt or in danger call the emergency services straight away. Emergency services can be contacted at any time by dialling 999 or 112 in Republic of Ireland or 112 in Europe.

Additional Service Information

Service Description

Reporting a concern

Tusla Services

Tusla Parenting


Changing Futures dedicated website for:

6-9 Year olds

10-15 Year olds

16-18 Year olds

Before this website came along, we weren’t sure what services were available locally and how to access them. It’s great to now see them all listed in one place with lots of useful information and contact details.